Like almost everything else in the UK right now, water bills have increased. However, other things can affect your water bill. Here’s a quick overview of the leading causes.

What Makes a Water Bill Higher?

Your water bills are affected by numerous things apart from price increases. Of course, wasting water is a common issue. But other ways your water bill can increase include the following:

  • A failing boiler that leaks water
  • Leaky taps and leaky pipes
  • Poor plumbing jobs that need repairs
  • Leaky sprinkler systems
  • A failing or leaky toilet

Having any of these problems looked at can lower your water bills since your bill is calculated by how much you used the previous year. So, the less water is wasted or used, the lower your bills.

What You Can Do About It

It can be difficult to find where a leak or problem comes from, never mind the repair job itself. Fortunately, there are highly qualified plumbing experts that can help you. When repairs like these are carried out, the cost of your water will potentially decrease by a substantial amount. Additionally, it’s in your best interest to reduce the amount of water you use or waste. For example, you can take showers instead of bathing, ensure taps are turned off and wash clothes and dishes with a full load. Effective water management ensures you only use what you need.


Your water bill is so high for many reasons. So it’s always a good idea to call an expert plumber to check your taps, toilet and boiler for leaks. But you can always reduce water waste.